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How is your team doing?
Sometimes I think we don’t ask this question often enough. We never bother to take a step back from the playing field upon which our team operates and carry out a quick assessment of how the team is – not how is it doing in terms of achieving its goals, but how is it doing more on an emotional, behavioural and structural level.
I have a couple of links to share with you around awareness of how your team is doing and a quick tip around how you can build better trust – one of the fundamental dials on your team dashboard which you should be looking at when you carry out that assessment. Go on, do it today – how is your team?
Enjoy and as always, do get in touch if you want to say anything. |
ARTICLE: Why You Should Treat Your Team Like You Treat Your Car
A simple metaphor story based upon what I have touched on above. It’s a quick read, and something I definitely advocate every team does occasionally. Take your team for a service!
Read article |
VIDEO: How To Build Trust Fast
What can you do if, once you have carried out an assessment of your team and think you could do better? This is me speaking for a minute and a half on a very simple but potentially highly effective way for a team to build trust fast. It will take commitment from everybody and needs to be championed by the leaders, but can be tremendously powerful.
View Video |
VIDEO: A Simple Way to Break a Habit
Habits are intrinsic to how teams work and are a huge part of how they become successful. And once you have looked at how your teams works and decide you need to make changes, I guarantee this will mean breaking old habits or forming new ones. Here’s a great short TED talk from ‘Mindful Addiction Doctor’ Judson Brewer on how to use curiosity to break bad habits. It’s awesome – I love simple ideas that are easy to implement with potentially great results. Get curious!
Watch Video |
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Pat Lencioni
Here’s a GREAT read for anyone short on time but keen to improve their team following that assessment time I’ve been talking about. A classic on what it takes to be a high performing team, from teamwork guru Pat Lencioni. His books are written as parable stories so you can really easily engage with the topic and lessons you will learn. And you can finish them in a few hours. I am a huge advocate of understanding this simple model so get reading if you are serious about improving your team once you’ve carried out a bit of navel gazing.
More on The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
We hope you enjoy these links and if you do, share with anyone you think might be interested and of course let us know what you think!